
Who are we?

TAMANA is a humanitarian association created in December 2021, recognised as being of general interest and governed by the French law of 1 July 1901. Its mission is to improve the daily life of the Malagasy population.

Resulting from the awareness of the problems the Malagasy people are faced with, this association aims to remedy them and to accompany the population towards a healthier way of living, where their well-being is the central concern. After being a member of an association et NGO in Madagascar for 5 years, its President has been enriched through the Malagasy atmosphere and founded TAMANA with the aim of continuing and expanding the humanitarian actions in the ground.

In Malagasy, TAMANA means the feeling of well-being that people feel when they are well where they are and that they wish to stay in as long as possible.

Thus, TAMANA’s objective is to raise and to participate in humanitarian projects to help populations in need while developing a global support (health, social, education) by valuing sharing and solidarity in Madagascar.

TAMANA’s action is to build environments that make daily life easier, environments where people feel good.

Lisa LACROIX and Isabelle LACROIX, founders of TAMANA